Meth Use 101
Not an exorbitant amount of words needs to be said. That’s meth use in shortened terms visually speaking.
You can always tell someone on Meth or a similar narcotic. As shown in the clip and the documentary. The church of Scientology did a great short documentary interviewing former meth addicts on their experiences and descriptions. I won’t post it because I don’t support them for a wide variety of reasons. At any rate here are the signs of meth use. Aside from erratic atypical behavior anyone not under the influence wouldn’t typically do unless they had some sort of mental impairment or severe mental illness- one of the tell tale signs is what is known as “meth mouth” aka the decay of teeth essentially. Weight loss, glassy enlarged pupils, sores, health problems significant to meth use, rapid speech, rapid and usually irrational thought patterns, outbursts/mood swings for no legitimate nor rational reason, etc.