#MeTooMovement Anniversary
3 min readOct 16, 2020
Yesterday was the 3rd anniversary of the #MeToo Movement. The unfortunate part of that anniversary is there is still far too many of us who have not received justice, had our voice heard and or even attempts made to shutdown our voices for speaking the truth. When there are still far too many who would rather take the side of abusers especially known abusers, when every moment we seek justice it is denied or some consequence to pay for it. When those who are so quick to take the side of clearly predatory dangerous beings it is a resounding gong that no we still haven’t come far enough in 2020. ESPECIALLY when it comes to the lives of Black and Brown Girls and Women. When perpetrators like those of us who have been victimized by a perpetrator are still seemingly granted handouts they did not earn reputably, when too many are willing as they put it for years have a “nation” or “army” that habitually are utilized as a human wall practically to hide behind, when we feel or actually are continually hunted for speaking out. When revenge is sought by our perpetrators or as a direct result from them for telling the truth, when every word, and every step is monitored by them like a pimp or any predator stalks or watches it’s prey to ensure we don’t get “too out of pocket” or too “out of line” when frankly it isn’t their business nor position in life, when we have to fight for our basic human rights constantly to even survive no we certainly are not free nor granted the right to speak freely that was promised in the United States of America. It seems only SOME are equal everyone else is beholden or a second class citizen with second class citizen rights or lack thereof. As the voices and rightful actions of not only Men who should be our allies but far too numerous remain silent on the injustices we have encountered then no we have not come far enough as we should have. When law and society not only protects the monsters but also enables their predatory practices and actions then no we aren’t free and have not received justice that America always promised us. That truth of the matter is we never may gain justice towards our abusers the only thing we can do is keep moving forward towards a better world for Girls and Women especially those of us of Brown and Black identities. We are going to keep talking and telling the truth no matter what that is why #MeTooMovement began and that is what those of us who have been fighting for justice every step of the way or even continue to live and thrive will do so no question about it. Besides we all have to give an account at some point for our lives for good or bad. We all have to face justice to some extent. Always remember my fellow survivors who seem to always be attacked on every side too in attempts to silence us the enemy never rails so much but against those they are also extremely afraid of. They are afraid because they know just how truthful and powerful our words are. How fearful and paranoid those who hate our legitimate honest voices and authentic selves must be because they know they have much to hide and cover for we don’t. Therefore as our ancestors would say “Hoka Hey” we are not sitting down nor shutting up anytime soon about the human rights violations and abuses we have suffered let alone about the justice we seek that we are deserving of. For those who have a problem with that I have one only message…get over it. We have a right to talk, breath, and live. We will continue to keep doing so entirely in some way or another. To quote T.I. “Take my freedom for the moment but it ain’t forever. I ain’t never backed down or ran.” T.I. Motivation excerpt
Therefor how aptly titled is the next part of the movement now called #ActToo because now action is what will make change and bring forth justice.
“NO we are not satisfied and we will NOT be satisfied until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.” Martin Luther King