Respect For Valor
I was speaking in a previous post of military Men and Women that have given their lives so that America can obtain the freedoms and democracy that numerous countries don’t. Although the disparities and issues in America are present we hold freedoms other countries do not. People that are typically very young people (kids really) that give their lives, sacrifice, to fight in combat so that the entitled in America can be privileged. Stemming from a military family including great uncles and grandfathers that fought in WWII, 2 of which liberated Nazi concentration and a death camps, extended family that served in several tours in Vietnam, those in my life that served in Afghanistan, Iraq, and a parent that served in Desert Storm it is reviling when dorks that would be well served to be put in the midst of war being they disrespect military personnel, their families, etc. It’s the lowest of the low despicable. When you watch war footage or speak with war heroes/sheroes it’s no wonder our brave military return to America with PTSD if not CPTSD while frequently minute respect granted from glutenous types in a country that don’t respect anything including military. The very military that afforded them the freedom to disrespect. The US frequently mishandles its vets worse than dogs particularly from the Vietnam era. It is a crime that any Vietnam Vet or any Veteran is homeless for example when they gave their lives. Going to war to fight for an ingrate degenerate spoiled country is owed a medal of honor in and of itself. I had posted about this documentary on Tumblr a few years previously titled To Be of Service .
The documentary is of the brave warriors that have served our country while it inflicts them with factual wounds physically and psychologically because it surpasses human comprehension to be in the presence of your comrades blown to pieces, collecting dismembered body parts to remove from your bunker, or your limbs blasted off while you are the sole survivor being your platoon didn’t survive. The term was called Shell Shock during World War 1 (that I am of the sentiment it is) being that is precisely what we put our service Men and Women through for our freedoms. I recall posting of in the documentary a clinical psychologist spoke on the history and phenomenon of Shell Shock to the times of Alexander and King David. I posted there is a Lakota word for it that translates into English as “The spirit has left.” There is a term coined “A soldier’s heart” from the Civil War era that was the description.
Therefore conveying respect isn’t much to ask particularly when those that owe their respect have enacted nothing for our country or the citizens in it. The song from the documentary exemplifies the reality of military service personnel There was a 1990s film titled ,The War, although a fictional account spoke to the truths of what it is to be a Military Veteran. Those privileged ingrates that speak of leaving our country how about if you harbor the sentiment our country has issues you remain in the country fighting for your country in any viable form. That is a coward to run because the political climate doesn’t par up to what you envisioned in my informed opinion. If you are not willing to fight for the country you reside in then you don’t belong in that country. Fighting for your country doesn’t mean picking up arms unless you are military it can be voicing your beliefs, protesting, working within the system to change it, etc. Running that is a slap in the face to the service people that have fought and died for the freedoms of America. Factually speaking in numerous countries that rhetoric would be cause for imprisonment or execution.