Misha & The Wolves
“Belief is one thing credibility is another.” A Holocaust Survivor, Misha And The Wolves
I had to view this documentary. It is about the story of a Holocaust survivor who told the story of how she survived the ordeal by first living with a Catholic family then made the decision to walk east through the forest into Germany to search for her parents that were “deported” as they put it by Nazi’s …. or were they? The issue that arose was the scrutiny of the story she told.
Courtesy of- Met Film Sales
I haven’t yet finished the documentary but I will say many young survivors and survivors in general of Human Rights Violations have akin stories. The scrutiny was whether or not her story was true. One aspect all survivors are trained and mentored about is never ever tell a mistruth about your story or allow media to misconstrue your story if you deal with the media because they love nothing more than to sensationalize survivor stories and little by little they will begin to either add to the story OR manipulate those interviewed into adding to the story. That is anything in life never ever lie. I’ve seen survivors be it of genocide, human trafficking, sexual violence, etc be taken by the media or just nosy a$$’es who have all kinds of skeletons in their closet in society then raked over the coals publicly and or societal. Just totally exploited. I’ve had a$$’es try it with me… it didn’t go well and shouldn’t because that is off limits. That aside my real life story is mine no one else’s just like anyone else’s real life story is off limits to another party. There are things that are NOT okay to touch, exploit, or try to make your own when such as valid Human Rights based violations isn’t even valid. People like myself can prove everything we say and put out as true..without warping context or warp anything at all as facts are facts.
I’m all about privacy and personal life survivor or not however if an individual is lying they’re lying for the purpose of deception or just living in a delusional world then that is what it is. IE If there are way too many discrepancies or contradictions then something isn’t quite right. When people have innumerable aliases tied to their birth name they’re typically a con artist/criminal etc. This obvious does not include if an alias is used to protect yourself and or others especially if you’ve done some sort of valid undercover work, human rights, survivor, or been in a predicament you can’t get out of or away from IE Domestic Abuse Survivors, Trafficking Survivors, Activists sometimes have to, etc. It will be fascinating to see what the outcome of this story is. In the Gender-Based Violence movement and counter Trafficking Movement we do get people that come in and falsify they’re survivors of something they actually aren’t. As twisted as is it does happen. I mean look at ,Rachel Dolezal, she had people convinced she was Black, Native, and White for years while she was a White female from the Midwest. People can lie for any reason maybe they don’t like the life they were dealt or anything else they were dealt in life therefore they concocted a makeshift life that didn’t and doesn’t exist. The obvious problem with that is when deniers and dis-creditors wish to use examples to attempt discrediting valid people for any number of reasons they’ll point right to those examples.
“I survived because I trusted no one.” Misha and The Wolves
“If it were true how unfair it would be to disrespect what she has been through?” Misha and The Wolves
It’s a twisting true story for sure. This is a precautionary tale, always question everything. I know I do. I’ve dealt with the con artists of con artists throughout life several times and they can spin webs anyone couldn’t believe. Media or not always always do actual research (not the internet) on people before not only trusting them but putting out anything public on anyone because that can come back to bite big time. Never tell half truths or straight up lies whether about self or others because truth will come out either way. Here is the thing, you can enjoy stories, you can admire stories fictional or not but when you become a character or think you are that character there is a problem there. That is why I always use the terms parallel, allegory, illustration, etc in referencing a fictional tale or character particularly because it’s an resonating semblance of something but never reality.