That moment of- Why is there a PI from Brazil trying to talk to me? That’s stalker crap like get your stalking a$$ off my things before I have a license pulled creep freak. I’m not screwing anyone’s male which is usually what something like that comes down to. Not my style or thing. And yeah a Black Woman Supreme Court Judge was nominated today what the hell does it have to do with anything some obvious being with issues that needs mental help thinks it does? Not a damn thing. Such aren’t that important to influence anything of that magnitude that’s called conspiracy theory paranoia. I really am like do you muthas know who I am? Both as a person or otherwise? Obviously not. Beings be bonkers nowadays. They need to take their lurking back end off my things being creepfest. In all bluntness aside if you are reading into world news and events as being significant to you that really is Beautiful Mind territory. When you think you are reading subliminal stories in global news articles, magazines, and it somehow is pertinent to you that is a telltale sign of a delusional disorder or schizophrenia no joke in total seriousness. That’s a mental and or cognitive illness.
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