That moment of- Why is this apparent ahole attempting to begin fights with arbitrary people myself included? I sure as hell don’t know them never did anything to them nor at this rate would want to know them. If they want a skinny fugly not all there mumbling puta psycho that’s been harassing the hell out of me provably so because of them I gathered, hell they can have it, it’s got nothing to do with me. I said have at it. That’s punk crap a Man needs to come correct if they got a problem not online doing this weird harassing causing a problem crap because I sure as hell am not afraid of them. I’m used to their kind and can handle them. None of that has anything to do with me whatsoever. This is why I block people wasting my life and time. It’s like are people that insecure, intimidated, and possibly paranoid of people who don’t know them or did anything to them? Good grief. Next