Monger Awareness
As aforesaid many times a male is aware of any nasty piece to be blunt upon one throwing themselves at them, they can practically sniff it out. That is what males do not Men. They are aware of the difference between a real sound Woman and any piece. Just as a Woman a real authentic Woman is aware of a monger upon one coming at us like that. Point is mongers of any gender need to deal with each other not come at decent real authentic sound holy Women like that. They don’t need to bring their crap into the lives of decent sound stable people who are better than that. Let’s face it mongers couldn’t possibly think any nasty low level piece is even on the same level or comparable to those who are on such a high level and standard, no way no one in their right stable mind would really think that. They are aware of the difference between any ignorant dumb play thing and a real refined high value Woman of the book (lives it of faith.) They do. A monger doesn’t need to be hassling or coming at a real one like those I am of and belong to. They have no business none coming at a real Christian, Jew, a Christian Jew, or a believing Muslim sister like that period. Those types need to deal with each other, nasty needs to stick with nasty period not gravitate that crap our way. Women like myself are too good for it really.
Courtesy of- Hack Spirit