Monkeydom Of Jezebels
Parte 2 on Jezebels they’re all monkey see monkey do. Like any predator they’re master liars and manipulators that have generally lived their entire lives using scapegoats in order to not be held accountable for anything, that’s always their last grasp. Nothing they profess has truth to it at all generally. Do not engage a Jezebel at all let people find out for themselves the lying, manipulative, bloodthirsty, sycophant they are because underneath the seeking pity shtick there’s a real calculating insidious being that is typically quite evident. That is why generally healthy people get away and stay away from Jezebel types other than they put people off with their abnormal dysfunctional ways unless they’re just like, enable them, or even fear their tyrannical vindictive nature. Remember the alien creature from Stargate? That’s an artistic depiction of what Jezebels actually are. They slither in a way that’s very disconcerting and off putting. They even resemble a snake just everything about them. Never engage a Jezebel, never answer to them, never give them a second of anything. People will catch on sooner or later. As one profound Brother once said “Only clowns paint their faces and wear masks.”
Allow God and even law deal with Jezebel’s if need be don’t engage their warpedness at all.