Moral of The Story Via Trap Queens
There was a story from Trap Queens about the story of ,Dwen Curry, that told the story of when he was a kid of a group of bullies that used to physically assault and harass him daily to/from school finally one day after returning home once again bullied while skating outside he cried to his Mom. Instead of the Mom handling it for him she said “If you get the one with all that mouth the rest of it will stop.” So he went back outside took off his skate and busted the bully dead in the face needless to say that was the end of it.
The same principle it is the same way in the adult world, a main problem faces consequences for their actions in some form or another the rest of their low intellect clique will cease. Keep in mind there are adults in age but not maturity or intellectually on that childish junior high slow intellect level and you have to handle them accordingly. They never grew up, they’re perpetually a 12 year old bully in their head.