Voicing Freedom
3 min readDec 7, 2024

More On Krampus: Theology and Philosophy

A fascinating documentary on the lore and story of the folkloric figure. What some idiotas in San Antonio that raised a fit about a Krampus Parade that typically are for children’s charities but I digress what they fail to comprehend the lore has 0 to do with religion, God or Satan. IT’S FOLKLORE case closed. If you’re that swayed by folklore I being a devout Judeo Christian ponder your relationship with God and your belief. How about hone in on pressing matters factually nefariousness than being an idiot over the miniscule? How about real issues such as what has been occurring in Israel and Gaza due to terrorism, hatred, etc. That is insidious. Work on that OR the fact over 300,000 youths in America alone are sex trafficked each year mostly of color do something about that, how about the Missing Murdered trafficked epidemic of Indigenous Girls, Women, and Youths in fact 1 in 3 but I would say 1 in 2 that is factually nefariousness that has been practiced from the beginning of America. Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, or put your time into assisting starving impoverished Holocaust survivors in Europe and I’m not going to speak on how the Roma diaspora globally are handled. I can speak on a plethora of real social justice issues that people can be putting their energy and resources into instead of flipping out over stupidity folklore. That to the side, if the pious really believe none have had darkness or capable of darkness they are misinformed on why a savior came to earth to save mankind. People can attempt to or cut it anyway they want but we are born into sin and darkness until we ask Jesus into our lives. That doesn’t mean darkness won’t attempt to creep up it merely is after we ask Jesus into our lives we have the conviction and self empowerment to reject it. These folkloric stories really are speaking to the state of mankind if the pious really perceive it from a faith root. Krampus isn’t being glorified on Krampusnatch it’s a cautionary tale on what being foul and rejecting morality, God, law of the land etc brings. In its essence it’s a representation of Satan and you continually screw around you will find out be it in this life or the afterlife. As the documentary spoke of Krampus is a reckoning between the depths of godless man kind, the carnal side and the faith based moral choosing. This reality of the symbolism of Krampus couldn’t increase plausibility than those of us that have dealt with human shells of incarnations of the devil. I once heard a skeptic speak a quote profound that was in the line of “I’m more wary of humans (or what I term human shells that have turned themselves over to a reprobate mind) than any mythological entity. Humans commit more atrocities than mythological entities possibly could. Therefore those protestors in San Antonio would be well served to grasp that factuality of the world we reside. There are real dark beings and real nefarious entities that reside on earth…and to speak old correct English that I have for well over a decade on social media Krampus ain’t it.

Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince

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