A serial harasser is on the slow side of thought process generally because a lot of times they’ve either done some substance or alcohol to the extent their brain is so damaged it doesn’t comprehend anything apparent, that’s common when it comes to harassers. They were never right in the head to begin with, obviously you go shoving substance into them it’s not going to react well let alone correct it. It’s obvious they’re not right in the head. Nothing healthy about a harasser whatsoever. Generally when a harasser or stalker is aware they’re on a federal case file they’ll cease anything towards that person or persons indefinitely that obviously made clear unwanted anything from them or anyone who has anything to do with them but when it comes to an obviously brain damaged being that’s not an option. They’re so off in their delusional brain dead existence as aforesaid law could and probably will drag them away yet they’d be on some “Take my photo. I want this to trend, look at me!” They’re not bright and it’s obvious they’re not.