Mr. Boogedy Moral of The Story
As kitschy, goofy, yes cheaply done, and child geared as is there is a moral point in it. I couldn’t locate the entire clip of the backstory of Marion and Mr. Boogedy was recounted in which the premise was Mr. Boogedy was basically a freaky old male with a cruel streak back in the 1600s or so that nobody liked for good reason. He fell for the beautiful Marion but of course she refused him and basically that angered him further to the extent of selling his soul to Satan as well as forcing Marion’s hand essentially. Point being there are psycho’s of any gender like that.. people like myself as aforesaid innumerable times have survived that. Rejection enrages them to the point of “I can’t have them so no one can and while I’m at it they can’t have a life or anything either therefore I’m going to destroy everything I can because I can’t have my way.”
Courtesy of- Jose ynguiez
Courtesy of- Dr. Jody Love
This is a funny overview of the story I spoke of that mentions the backstory from a goofy 80’s made for kids tv movie.
Courtesy of-
Allison Pregler