Freedom means to me to be heard not just seen
I found people can see you but not hear you
They can see what they want to see, hear what they wish to hear to appease the level of their cognition
Without considering the real recognition
On the other hand
People can want to be seen just to be seen for conceit, for vanity
But to first speak with integrity is another thing
To be heard taking in the words expressing devastating calamity
That is something different entirely
That 1 in 3 of us have been exploited. Have been raped, have had ourselves our lives blown apart before our own eyes, yeah we saw it
These words
It is what creates genuine movements
True this
People can see your words but may not be heard
Words can be flung into the air hoping to be caught by the safety net of action even an understanding reaction would suffice
No matter the consequence or fear
Yet despite can still fall on deaf ears
True freedom is taking in the words that are said without tuning them out or cherry picking
For self agenda sake dissecting them mimicking is not the same. It is in vain
Freedom is when the words of truth are said, considered action taken
To end the abomination of this modern day enslavement
Poem by Freedom Voice