Não, obrigado
Upon receiving marketing campaign emails for self love toys and to rep them, no thank you not my thing. Not in several of my cultures, faith, professional position, or anything else never has been. Don’t think I’ll answer that email - I’ve gauged on social media that’s a prevalent market now. I can’t see myself partaking in it. It’s not who I am. In our religion and cultures it’s impure. Defiling per say no impure yes, some are more hard line about it than others. Roma and many Asiatic and Middle Eastern cultures it’s generally thought of as something Girls/Women especially don’t do especially because Girls and Women are to remain pure until marriage. Religious based Christianity the view can vary but it’s not encouraged. Oceanic it was considered uncouth basically impure not quite. Indigenous peoples of America there wasn’t much taboo of the issue but otherwise in many cultures there is. Nomadic groups of Africa for Girls and Women especially it’s frowned on. ::Shrugs::