Narcissism and Paranoia
Courtesy of- Danish Bashir
Truth entirely. I found as well narcs seem to be entirely paranoid to the point of delusional thinking even when it comes to total strangers or those they had a brush of nothing with. People will just be talking about nothing that appertains to them whatsoever, just living their life, and yet a narcissist thinks to take it upon themselves to actually believe it is an affront to them. Common place anything is an affront, conspiracy, or something to shove their gourd into taking everything and anything personally when actuality is it’s got nothing to do with them. People live their lives daily without giving them a thought or time of day. People could be doing something as simple as mowing their lawn and yet somehow they could make up in their mind it’s entirely for their benefit towards them. Or someone could bump into them in a store and they’ll spin some yarn about that. Any small occurrence they spin it into a huge conspiracy that doesn’t exist. They really think they’re so important to people to the point of near actually believing they’re the center of the universe when actuality is no one is looking at them, thinking about them, talking to them, about them, basing anything on them, doing anything for their benefit, or anything else. I find a lot of them are quite unhealthy delusional in their thinking. They see everything and one as a challenge, competition, and something to war about or pick out something to make it so when all the while they’re just an annoying 💩 nobody likes wishes wasn’t around and honestly everyone gets to a point they wish they’d disappear permanently. All narcissists have a persecution complex that they really play themselves to be some victim they’re not in everything, they’re always the victim as they often go above and beyond to victimize others on a constant basis.