Narcissistic Sentiments
I was looking at a music site today and saw where a flash in the pan who is selling well now said she was “A dying breed”… it’s like honey as well known actual legendary Ballet figure I was instructed by for years used to say roughly about those who thought they were better than they were, You ain’t that good. Aretha Franklin was that good, Sade is that good, The Beetles were that good, Prince was that good, Mariah Carey is that good, the Foo Fighters are that good, Lenny Kravitz is that good, Bruno Mars I would say has it because he is versatile, Tina Turner, Jon Batiste is certainly that good, Andra Day she throws down when she performs she’s that good, and many more are that good — a full of themselves fool is not. It’s like you’re selling for the moment which many of those are bought by their camps anymore but probably won’t be the next go not with the newbies coming up now. If those types stepped away today they would be forgotten most likely. Matter of fact it kind of all sounds exactly the same and boring not to mention they yell when they sing that reminds you of hog calling to the point it’s grating. It’s like retire already, let the new people who are coming up as we have all seen in the recent Grammy Award nominations have their time, it’s like you’re gonna be old news at some point, maybe get your own sound cease ripping off music/voice of POC like you’re some originator you’re not, and shut up really. Go sing opera or something if you’re that good. If over-hyped types like that walked away today no one would remember them long term seriously it would be onto the next thing. This is exactly why a lot of young people are going into theater and indie — too many egos and idiotas that not only think because they’ve been about for 5 to 10 years they’re golden and are some legend they’re not but also get all insecure/can’t handle competition coming up as they failed to realize that’s the name of that game. ::Shrugs::
Momentary popularity doesn’t mean anything people come people go in that sphere. That’s the actuality of it. There’s a great deal of talent out there that flatten those types talent wise to be entirely honest. ::Shrugs::