Narcissism and Crime
These videos are on point. Narcopaths of any gender can not be miscalculated. They are not to be trusted by anyone with those traits of any level. They are capable of anything and everything. Ergo why law takes it seriously because these types can not be under estimated whatsoever. Anyone that feeds that, supports, or has anything to do with them block, report, don’t acknowledge, and keep it stepping because they obviously have critical level psychological, emotional, cognitive, and everything else problems.
Courtesy- The Infographics Show
In my situation professionals naturally have asked “Did you have some sort of relationship with this person/persons prior? Why do they have such a fixation on you?” and nearly shocked when I informed them aside from the aforesaid serial perp “No none never saw them in my life. Said 1 thing to them point blank on open social media after they began a harassment campaign, they made some weird reply, I blocked them that was it on my end, thought they’d move along however they took it from there running with their whacky stories and pattern habitual hills have eyes behavior.” One of the notions why legal professionals have nearly been shocked that there was no prior interaction was because the behavior from the problems end has been something of a psycho thwarted ex, a rejected being, or psycho jealous interpersonal party or something not some arbitrary beings online that conjured whacky off the wall stories and enactments to this day (provable.) It is as one law officer said that sort of behavior is beyond seeking attention online it is patterned criminal unwelcome psycho behavior towards a person who doesn’t wish to be harassed by them and made them aware under no uncertain terms to cease umpteen thousand times. Wants nothing to do with them.
Courtesy- Lions Den Coaching