Narcopaths- The Full of Selves Syndrome

Voicing Freedom
2 min readJun 1, 2022


Aforesaid many times narcopaths are full of themselves they really are. They think pulled together sound intelligent stable people are enamored by or deem to be them when we’re not meanwhile they themselves dwell in/around toxicity, contention, and a low caliber mindset aka their perception is very warped. They think everything centers around them and everything anyone does even long before they were about or thought of it appertains to them. Narcs project their own warped-ness on everyone who isn’t that. They often praise toxicity and the warped but the sound they deem as the problem and issue. There’s a great deal of those types in, around, or wannabe in the entertainment industry that is why you can’t get interpersonal with the majority of them because their perception of life and people is warped all the way around. The way they perceive things and decent people are warped. Some of it is they’re coked up or on substances that alter their perception around sound persons. Basically something I garnered from my encounters in dealing with it or grappling with issues from it there are often weirdo beings in it, the less you kiss up to them and brown nose the less favorable they are toward you the extra beings do the most likely they deem those types as something favorable as people. Basically the less impressed you are by them the less they like you the more impressed and brown nosing the likelihood they welcome those who are even if those beings are apparently bat crap off the wall to be blunt. They don’t like people who are sound decent, they like the dysfunctional and or trashy because it doesn’t make them have to examine themselves. That is why the greats and legends that last for decades distance themselves from many types in that field, too many warpo types that move really odd and honestly aren’t the most trust worthy. Aforesaid I don’t trust next to none of them which is a reality of the sphere that it is. Hip hop sector especially they’ll know someone umpteen years and gun them down over something stupid like money or something, they have no loyalty most often. If they’re not loyal to their kids most of them they sure as hell aren’t going to be loyal to anyone else in any sense. They’re about themselves and selves only. Hence why Issa Rae removed herself from that field the majority have problems and issues. Soon as any of those types begin moving funny and I catch a bad off vibe I’m out of there. That’s anything. Nope, I’d rather be around my squared up stable sound people in the Survivor Leadership and Human Rights sectors any day not the the weirdos the majority of those types are. It’s a wise thing to remove yourself away from types like that because these people have issues.



Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince