You know people complained about this late 1980’s BBC rendition of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion Witch and The Wardrobe but no one can say the acting was poorly done. A far as the make up and special effects.. well it was the 80’s what can be said? That’s what was available at the time. As for the 2000’s major motion pictures apparently as time has past (as it’s been 10 years since the last and third was released) the studios have decided to reboot it altogether as the then child actors are all grown. Much of the delay and finally drop of the film series had to do with the original studios went under. I have to say the last story of the publication was a bit of a let down but that’s artistic merit and it was C.S Lewis’s writings so he could do with it what he liked. ::Shrugs::
Either way anyone wants to look at it, the series is a great allegorical film of Faith, Resisting Temptation, Discernment, what you give yourself over to, Courage, Self-Awareness, and Strength either for children or adults. You would’ve thought however in the first installment when the witch went off on Peter about the Turkish Delight he would have gotten the hint something was very wrong…not the sharpest tool in the shed… I’m just saying. lol
Isaiah 53:7
“He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.”
As Bishop TD Jakes once said more or less (if I can ever find the actual sermon I’d repost it as it was incredibly powerful for people of faith) during an Easter Sunday sermon “The demons were partying on Friday (Good Friday), they had broke out the cake and ice cream, they thought they had won until Sunday morning and the stone was rolled away.”
Powerful messaging of full restoration for those who love God, keeps his commandments, and the holy days holy.