Voicing Freedom
2 min readMay 13, 2020

Never Ever

“Never ever in my six years of doing research alone with the tribes of Andamans did any man ever misbehave with me. The tribes might be primitive in their technological achievements, but socially they are far ahead of us.” Anthropologist Madhumala Chattopadhyay on her work with isolated Tribal People

I could write an entire series on the genocide of Indigenous people throughout the world be it by way of slaughter, slavery, colonialism, disease, exploitation, sexual violence, suicide, addictions brought by European colonizers, or deforestation however the main fundamental point of any Indigenous people don’t exploit us. This in my opinion is a model way to exhibit what first contact is like for those who have never seen anyone outside of their tribe in the remotest parts of the world. I must say Jean Pierre did quite well.

Sure it is documenting but it is passively done it is not done abrasively or sensationally. This on the other hand mentions that which is harmful to the people. The tourism aspect — and why it’s detrimental furthermore dangerous for the people. I personally abhor tourism as well as that mindset as a whole this is also to be said of the tourists themselves particularly those who visit so called “disenfranchised” communities. I personally do not like them, despite what they often think their presence is not needed. Frequently they bring nothing but mire to the people and pollute the environment of the peoples. That is a documented fact.

It is the sort of terrible colonial attitudes mentioned why the people of the Sentinelese of North Sentinel Island more often than not react violently to outsiders except for 1 Woman by the name of, Madhumala Chattopadhyay, an anthropologist 30 years ago. She did so in the equitable spirit, she did not invade their territory, and well she is a Woman which makes a huge difference in most Indigenous cultures as most revere Women greatly as human beings. She also brought something of value to the group they did not have on their own. This has been nearly the only non violent contact the Sentinelese have had with outsiders.

Nat Geo Explorers

The people of the Sentinelese have a history like most Indigenous people as to why we are so greatly protective of our homes, cultures, languages, dignity, and environments. Like most Indigenous they have witnessed what the imposing of colonialism has done to marginalized groups.

“The tribes have been living on the islands for centuries without any problem. Their troubles started after they came into contact with outsiders,” the anthropologist says. “The tribes of the islands do not need outsiders to protect them, what they need is to be left alone.” Madhumala Chattopadhyay National Geographic

Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince

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