Never Trust
There are a handful of types never to trust
Those with a rep for setting up people… even more so if it’s those who trusted them to some extent.
Those who are dishonest.
Cocky High Horse Jezebels of any gender that are too quiet. There’s often a reason they’re cocky it’s because they’re overly confident of something.
Any of those types are either in deep they did to themselves, brooding, or scheming some foulness. Never underestimate nor trust those types nor turn your back on them metaphorically or otherwise. Those types most often always have something underneath their exterior or craw that is seething cunning. They’re most often vindictive to the extent of self sabotage. Never trust anything like that. I don’t trust none of those types. It’s not smart to nor interact with them in any way either. In short never trust dirty. Again it’s the reminiscent of Elmer Fudd attempting to trap Bugs Bunny mentality you can’t trust.