Night Terror Fuel
Somehow comparing the film and publication of ,Jurassic Park, that will make pretty much anyone have night terrors practically. The kitchen scene of the first film has been rated one of the most iconic scenes of film history. In the publication it is crazy though slightly different than the film. The descriptions throughout the works are grim to say the least. The tree climbing of Dr. Sattler description was crazy, personally I would’ve jumped for the pool too. You figure if in a real life situation you’re going to be taken out either way why not do so on your own terms at least attempt to save your own life. ::Shrug:: Those things in the works were like tyrannizing stalking things from hell. I couldn’t help but think of the idiocy of the characters in it however. In the story it was a stupid idiotic goal to bring carnivorous dinosaurs into the 20th century anyway particularly for entertainment purposes of society. Like you’re just asking for it at that point. Thank God it has been disproved that in reality Dinosaurs could never be brought to life due to the disintegration of DNA that would be required for scientists to recreate that in the natural world.
In the prehistoric era raptors actually were the size of turkeys more with feathers and scales. Like a demon turkey on uppers. T-Rex would have most likely hobbled along as opposed to running at any max speeds because of it’s bulky build but that is the Hollywood version of anything.
Courtesy of- Trend Max