No Acknowledgement
Ignore any harasser menial level/caliber nothing that seeks attention. The more credence those evil creep types are granted the more they will come at people who want to get rid of them because they’re an annoying nightmare than doesn’t take a hint. Ignore them, firmly say “Go away get off my social media creep,” to continue to engage them will prolong that type of harassment. Report and block any account that maybe tied to them. There is a reason law and or security are well aware of those types and why they have warrants. Don’t interact with them. Anyone who supports them, interacts with them in any way, or anything else block them. Any suspicious account that follows or lurks through stories block and or report. Those types are obviously cowards and not going to come correct because of their psycho creep nature. Law and no one else of any cognitive anything is on their side or believes those types about anything. Let them show their a$$ basically. Blow them off and keep it moving.