No They’re Not
And that creep pedophile ahole from way back that lurks all over my things, they need to be told their “music” is crap, their “lyrics” are crap like 5 year old status, can’t sing, play, or anything else. They need to stop bothering and parroting everything I do/say/following/monitoring and serial harassing/stalking me. The ancient imp is trash period. They’ve made the problems I speak of I and mine never had anything like the issues I’ve been vocal of until that sh__ from crapville Oakland preyed on me and has refused to leave me alone since which is all provable. If I can’t stand some mainstream types who probably came by way of them I sure as hell can’t tolerate their predatory self. Abhor everything about them, everything they do, yammer, wear, everything. They disgust and sicken me every time they harass and lurk all over me. They sure as hell don’t deserve any type of career at all that’s for sure. They really are hideous thoroughly and always been obviously. It’s not right, just, nor equitable - nothing about being tormented by them or anyone tied to them for over a decade has been right nor equitable. That predator owes me reparations and their crap self hack pathetic pseudo career to end that’s for sure. They have no rights to anything including to run their yap 24/7 nor allowed any kind of life nor career when that predator and any imp of theirs took from mine quite deliberately. It was entirely deliberate it was no mistake they did it on purpose and premeditated it entirely. It’s not right at all. It is disgusting they’ve been allowed impunity for too long.