Not Dealing With a Rapper
Case and point why you don’t play with real pimps, drug dealers, etc etc. She is fortunate she was not knocked out cold right there at the most minute level. Those kind of females are used to dealing with rappers and or fake gangsters. Street people they are nothing like too many rappers that may or may not have their image for show. A pimp, trafficker, or any of those types will hurt you. You don’t even eyeball them a lot of times, you don’t acknowledge them, they have no respect for anyone that even has any semblance to a Woman or anyone really typically anyway let alone if you behave like a fool on purpose. Survivor Leaders in the line of work I am in have seen Girls/Women or for those who have experienced it have had their jaw broken and nose broken in public for not making a quota, looking at a pimp the wrong way if not much worse beat and or raped to a bloody pulp. Guns held to the head, drug by moving vehicles, etc etc the real life stories are horrendous. That is the reality of what those types enact. She’s very fortunate he wasn’t what are coined “Gorilla Pimps” or was showing restraint.
Courtesy of- No Jumper
Courtesy of- Anthony Padilla
Warning: Graphic Imagery
Courtesy of- everydaystruggle