You can’t help but notice when cliques basically behaves nearly exactly alike, dresses alike, follows consistent patterns like the stepford wives it’s like what are you the plastics from Mean Girls, a cult, something? What the hell is the matter with you people? Can’t you people think for yourselves or are you a sock puppet that someone or thing has their hand up your back end? What are you following some ritual thing, that’s witchcraft by the way that will lead you to destruction and the pit eventually. I have no affinity for that type of clone-ness honestly never have. I don’t do trend following never have. There was a kid who was a influencer who spoke on Dr. Phil about how he didn’t at all know who he was because he followed trends to the extent of losing his identity. I’ve always been anti status quo, cliques, any of that, that’s why cliques don’t include people like myself because we don’t subscribe to or follow what others are doing, saying, or about. I don’t at all follow current pop culture nor have an affinity for it. If people like myself are not entirely disliked in some cases we don’t fit into cliques. I don’t let anyone control me, what I can and can’t do, say, dress like or anything else. Which is why I’ve had the problems I have because control freaks didn’t like they weren’t going to control anything about me. That is why in the scripture of Deuteronomy 14:2 a Jeudo Christian is called to be set apart and as the world would refer to us as a “Peculiar People.” I’ve always been an individual and always will be.