On God: IT
That moment when once again you’re compelled to state the obvious that your (as in the psycho I acquired many years ago) perpetrator and them remind you of a cross between a hypothetical Pennywise, the psycho Dad character, and the psycho bullies all in one… freako entirely basically. Needless to say I am looking forward to law dealing with them thank God at last! 👏🏽 🙌🏽
Courtesy of- New Line Cinema
“The reason IT didn’t kill her (Beverly) is because she wasn’t afraid of him.” Bill IT
I’ve made this parallel before but it’s really true in that sense. In reality there is truth to that if a psycho thinks the subject is afraid of them or they have some sort of control over the subject they will continue to try to intimidate in some form. Healthy normal people don’t try to menace, prey on, and victimize others. Healthy people have their own lives to live not act like a freak towards others honestly — only an unstable psycho who belong off the streets does that. A psycho of any span can’t be feared ever — no matter how whacked out they are, obvious appearance, and or act because they thrive off of that. Like the character of Pennywise they can practically smell it, they love and get off on making people uncomfortable and discombobulated by their whacky abnormality. That is their power play. Any investigator or expert in reality will say as much, the more a psycho thinks they are dominating , menacing, or getting under others skin the more they’ll continue to do it. That is the only power play they have in life and like I said a psycho has nothing to lose which is why they enact as much. The truism of IT carries over into the sequel in which (spoiler alert) the clown is reminded and put in its place he is only a clown and has no power except the fear to feed off of that it is given.
Pennywise: “Me small? I am the eater of worlds.”
Mike: “Not to us you’re not… you’re a clown.”