I have posted the severe harassment I’ve undergone for many years before but this is one example as also posted on my stories. No clout attention chasing here this is legitimate, reported, and reputable ongoing federal investigation.
This is harassment and if/when children are involved it’s called “possession of child porn” “Illicit images of a minor” and or so on. It’s worth major federal time. This harassment is going to cease indefinitely make no mistake. Taking me on and trying to destroy my life was the dumbest thing to do like I kept saying, do you even know who I am or the work I’m involved in for nearly a decade? Do you really think I’d put my identity out there? The answer is NO therefore harassers have no excuse or anything else because for one it shouldn’t matter who someone is or isn’t harassment is harassment regardless. It’s against the law and wrong. Those responsible you’re playing a game you’re already caught in you’re done.
Whichever is sending it stop harassing me like this you’re done you’ve been done. Stop, the end case closed. 🤷🏽♀️ The only messages or interactions I accept are legitimate squared up business nothing more nothing less.