“Other People’s Pain is NOT Entertainment.”
Courtesy of- NowThis
Calling out toxic abusive behavior is not hatred, it’s not jealousy, it’s not anything else along those lines. The reason many of that brand of abusers of any gender do not adhere to correction thus write it off as something else it has nothing to do with it is because that is part of the ego problem too many of them in that realm especially have. They often view any correction or truth spoken to them as hatred, jealousy, or something else having to do with their monetary or social gain. Here is a great idea flip it to be a human being that wrong is wrong. It’s called constructive criticism. Harassing and or stalking someone is not okay period. Regardless of who someone is or isn’t socially speaking or thinks they are. It doesn’t matter. You don’t harass people. Crap behavior is crap behavior. It has nothing to do with who someone is or isn’t.