Paradigm of Possession
“I’m not fighting any demon.” Pastor Daniel Adams
A controversial and highly disputed over subject ,Demon Possession and or Oppression. There is mental illness that can mimic what is believed to be oppression or possession however it is in my study of the Torah and Bible as well as experience in having encountered those I have every reason to believe were or are that you can feel that element thus want to avert yourself from the carrier as soon as possible. Their whole vibe is off everything about them. Several tell tale signs aside from blasphemy tendencies, depravity, and the like is their eyes they don’t resemble anything human and they’re often dark as night, untrustworthy, sneaky, deviant and just their presence or glancing at them gives you an unsettled feel. Often times they’re into the dark arts etc which they often readily admit. They often seek to corrupt, defile, or bring down people especially those of faith. You can feel the not only sheer hatred but revulsion and vexation thoroughly of people of God that don’t fall for their demonic manipulative ways and the things of God. It is a whole different atmosphere when dealing with demon driven beings as opposed to textbook mental illness alone in my opinion and experience. Their eyes are usually the tell tale sign of not to be trusted, under estimated, full of self, and simply evil. All one of us can do is pray against it and bind it.
Courtesy of- Newport Rhode Island
Courtesy of- Washington Post
Courtesy of- The conversation
A Judeo Christian can’t be possessed but can be oppressed if the door is left open which is why any faith based leader or person of faith advises do not engage or interact with that element even if they’re taunting and or harassing you because it opens that line of communication as well as access to your life that it has no business nor has rights to. You don’t play with evil, let God handle it.. or an exorcist as well as a mental health professional.
Courtesy of- Encounter TV
Courtesy of- The Supernatural Life
“The holy spirit won’t lead you into trouble it will lead you into promise.” Pastor Daniel Adams