
Voicing Freedom
3 min readOct 29, 2020


I was recently reading the instagram account of a Narcissistic Abuse Expert I haphazardly saw in my feed. They addressed the subject of why a Narcissist, Narcopath, etc parrots and mimics those they victimize or have victimized because aside from deeming it as some mark of ownership they do not truly have over the subject of fixation it is in their mind building some kind of rapport with their prey that doesn’t actually exist. Case and point my aforementioned perpetrator even to this day over a decade later does so 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Pretty much everything they say or even do is ripped off from me. Aside from their ridiculous sadistic acts against myself, loved ones, and or anyone they see as an affront against some place they I guess truly believe as having in my life in which they do not being they nor anyone having to do with them can’t or don’t comprehend they are nothing to me never have been — it is a way to claim ownership as already aforesaid, attempting to gain attention from me, and of course to isolate because when people get a look at them it’s like run away fast because they look like act like some monster. That’s their whole M.O in life from the time they get up in the morning until whenever they crash from their compulsive monitoring of me and various means of contact on pretty much a daily basis that of course they are well aware can’t be proved as stemming from them because they’ve probably done this before. Honestly until the day they finally drop dead they very well may never go away and stay away from me, nothing deters them or their imps at all for long. Not law, not Men, nothing but when they’ve continually have let it be known “They have no fear or boundaries” well there it is. I’ve tried it all it doesn’t last long term. I’ve spoke about this for years like some predator they’re always leering, lurking, and calculating something same with those that have come at me by proxy over the years. They don’t respect any sort of basic boundaries or people in general obviously. I would think at their old age they’d be running out of steam because that takes a lot of energy and time to put into all of the acts the perpetrator has but then that has been where all the issues by proxy have stemmed from over the years at least that I could gauge. As an attorney said that dealt with the perpetrator in court “I guess it’s just something you’re going to have to deal with” unfortunately that I shouldn’t have to. It often cost time, energy, and even means. I just don’t see why they haven’t been put away somewhere I mean obviously they’re a bat sh__ predator but apparently those in authority to lock them away somewhere either don’t want to see the apparent or they just don’t want to be bothered with them thinking they’re harmless. In my experiences they are anything BUT harmless. They always want to step into every issue they probably caused or were apart of like the “hero.” They pretty much run every Man off from me even if they’re just a friend, those who mean well, and has even gone after Men in my family repeatedly which of course I can prove all of this. It’s a shame it has been allowed this long every day on a regular, it certainly isn’t right nor just at all. I want to be left alone by them and their revolving door of imps from hell but I have my doubts that will occur any time soon. It’s just the norm now of my life, a leach that won’t detach. It’s constantly been like “Okay, who’s coming at me now?”




Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince

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