Voicing Freedom
3 min readJul 24, 2021

Pathetic Trend

To quote a famous Youtuber by the name of Penguinsz0 about a clout chaser “The sh__ you say and the way you conduct yourself makes you so unlikeable.” It’s seen in the clout chasing realms, God knows the celebrity realm now gender regardless, etc. There’s nothing likable about the perception or mindset of life or people of that sort of mentality. A lot of times it’s like they go out of their way to be as unlikable, anti humane, anti anything as possible thinking it makes them edgy when it’s long been said and done all before to a better degree than what they are just for a morsel of attention, views, or just to offend people that have everything as people they don’t. I mean why shouldn’t clout chasers follow what too many momentary celebrities that just do and say offensive BS to troll and thus for clout? There’s a platform for it unfortunately and views on the internet feed that. They’re attention chasers because they really don’t have a lot if any talent and very envious/jealous of those who do and it shows. It is often obvious. It’s all over their expression and actions when someone who is just better than them is doing their thing in life. If someone is God knows better than them it’s like they pout, copy it in a not great way, or combat it. Those types need to grow up honestly, get over themselves, and just admit there are people that not only are better than them as people but that they themselves need to work on themselves as a person or anything else wise but also realize they don’t own the world nor the center of it and thus centered self aware people are just doing their thing/living their lives without thinking of them one moment. As what other people do has nothing to do with them typically unless they’re just one of those type of nuts that think they’re so significant to everyone that everything is about them or appertains for them which in no way could be possible. Too many need to be more self aware than they often are celebrity, wannabe celebrity, clout chaser, or not. Nobody myself included wants to be around beings like that, work with beings like that, or communicate with beings like that. They’re downers that drag people down the drain. Misery loves company and people like myself avoid those toxic bad vibes and energy like the plague. Basically those types it always seems like they’re trying to be just a cut above other people in an anti social deprecating way, instead of being happy for other people they pull down and jealous of people who usually aren’t even bothering them or sometimes aren’t even alive for that matter and it’s obvious that is their intent. If every time someone they’ve created an issue toward is doing something in life that has nothing to do with them and they almost always seem to try to sabotage or pull some stunt to distract or make some snide remark that speaks on what they are as well as crap mentality. It’s a foul mindset if not aforesaid Jezebel mentality (regardless of gender) that needs to be buried. Those types don’t support or like anyone that has any kind of stability, self awareness, or just basic morals. They only support and like those who are like them everyone else is somehow opposition to pull down or try to stop in life. It’s the high school mentality that never grew up. People need to realize they can’t if ever be top dog at anything time moves, people have preferences, times change that is life get over it. It’s called humility, reality, maturity, and dignity. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince

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