Voicing Freedom
2 min readJan 7, 2022

Being Users

What is typical in the BS realm I drag pretty well for given reasons is they use ignorant beings. When their careers belly up or they’re trying to climb the ladder as either way they don’t have a lot to fall back on they’re kind of a 1 trick pony they’ll associate in some way with what they deem as the larger fish who will probably be face down from an OD or something in a few years max. They’re being users everyone is aware of that. That is why I stay away from and avoid all those types frankly. They’re trashy, ignorant, and half raised the majority of them what can be said? 🤷🏽‍♀️ Nothing admirable or anything else about them. They have psychological and addiction issues the majority of them.. not to mention I’m pretty certain many of them have low IQ problems from brain damage some due to their lifestyle. They’re horrible beings that dwell in a horrible world as Issa Rae recently said. That is why a lot of them end up gunned down or some other violent end because of the way they enact dirtiness onto people thus eventually cross the wrong one. Those types live by the sword and they often die by the sword. I’ve never linked myself to beings like that for that very reason. I wouldn’t place myself in the same room as them not in a million years. Any one with anything in them and have any sense of basic human dignity wouldn’t either to be frank. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I stay as far away from those types as humanly possible. People are often in awe or intimidated by them I’m not. I think they’re stupid to be blunt. It’s a shame decent quality people and or kids struggle, are terminally ill, and or pass away all the time while these overly glorified gluttonous jack a$$’es are handed life on a silver platter along with their coke, pills, and whatever else. I don’t think anything of them, speak of them, and neither do the majority of society. They’re not 1/2 as important as the majority of them think they are to be blunt. That is why life or business coaches like Dan Pena and the like in context are as blunt about beings like that as are. I have felt that way about beings who are just ignorant myself and if you look at facts he isn’t off from it in some of his observations as well as expressions. I do think types like that their parents ought to have been lined up and done away with because they did terrible jobs raising their dumb brats that grew only physically into thoroughly moronic jokers with the brains of 10 year old’s at most.

Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince