Pick Up Lines Facts
This is quite true. In this era we don’t live in the frame of being able to converse with people you don’t know in person like that. It creeps people out for others to run up on them like that as as well as you don’t know what you’re talking to or dealing with. Humor of it aside there have been cases of Young People and people in general who have been murdered or otherwise hurt because they told some arbitrary person that ran up on them “No.”
Courtesy- Penguinz0
I know I don’t talk to people nearly like I used to years ago and most don’t either because we live in a world you can’t all comedic affect aside because you have no inkling what you’re talking to or dealing with. Internet same thing. I think people are nuts that link up with people online or speak with people like that you don’t know well in person especially because you could be walking into or talking to anything. Moral of the story don’t run up on people in any form in person or online like that because it’s likely people aren’t going to reciprocate. We don’t live in that world any longer.