Pimp Line Of Thought
Indeed! Also as I was saying on twitter in concise terms a Pimp line of thought overview:
Female, low self esteem if not entirely insecure, will do anything to be accepted or attention, has problems = Ding ding ding dollar signs a breakable female (except as they say “Breakable B__”.)
There is a well known pimp who in a well circulated interview spoke on this of “Every b__ isn’t breakable”
I’ve said this before but if you want to get in the mind of a pimp as much as they publicly allow this interview is it. When they find themselves crossing paths with those of us who aren’t breakable and honestly real dumb to mess with in the first place they will move on to the next Girl or Woman they hope to recruit to work for them because it’s become too much hassle. Needless to say they’re wasting time and money on chasing someone who won’t bow nor break. Pimps are about making money not wasting time chasing random Girls and Women who aren’t giving them the time of day for it. One of the rules in the “Players Handbook” is “Don’t chase them replace them.” Typically that is exactly what they do. If they can’t break you given their best efforts at most they move on to those who are easily molded that’s why they most often go after young Girls and Women in a bad place in life or aren’t privy. There’s 6 stages of the “Grooming” process to always be aware of.
1, Targeting Victims
2. Gaining Trust (or as the pimp spoke of “Just giving a f”)
3. Filling a Need
4. Isolation
5. Abuse Begins
6. Maintains Control
Between when abuse begins and maintaining control is where what is known as the “Seasoning” begins. This is the final use of power before a Pimp’s true intents are revealed it is often in the forms of Rape, Beating, Berating, Threats, and or Pimp Circling (a group of pimps attacking the prey in order to break their spirit.) It is usually somewhere around in there that act takes place to instate fear, dominance, control and to essentially let the lured in know “There is no love in this you’re going to work for me. Guess what? I’m a pimp not your boyfriend.” I will say very early on they’ll do acts to test the loyalty of those they’ve targeted. They want to see if that target will be down for them no matter what is said, done, requested, or forced on them later on down the line. They’ll test prey to see how far they can push those they target before revealing what their true intents are.
I believe it was in the mini series ,A Path Appears, a legal professional in the field against Sex Trafficking if memory serves correct I believe she was a Prosecutor. She spoke on how she once conversed with an FBI agent who worked exclusively within the field of Human Trafficking. He told her the story of an interrogation he had conducted with a pimp which specialized in selling under aged Girls on how he would recruit them. The pimp quite boastfully said, “I would go to the mall and watch for Girls. I’d see one walking around and would walk up to her saying ::in a charming voice:: “You have beautiful eyes” if she looked me square in the eyes and said ‘Thank you’ I’d go on to the next Girl saying ‘You have beautiful eyes.” If she looked down and said ‘No I don’t’ I knew I had her.” That sums it up they often look for young, vulnerable Girls, or desperate, insecure, and or vulnerable Women they can lure into the game granted they’re not a Gorilla pimp as the differences between the 2 are described above on the show Exploring Minds. Of course social media particularly since COVID is a hotbed for this type of scouting out for new recruits into “The Game” as it’s called. Service providers and reports of Sex Trafficking have been through the roof even more so than usual since COVID.