Piss Off- Get off my social
Meu removing a psycho that mumbles to themselves on social media female and psycho male from way before and a handful of harassing troll losers at life that repeatedly attempt to follow or remain on my social under fake accounts like “Get the hell off my social media. Only being that needs help is them obviously and their not wrapped inept from a criminal facility lot.” They have something to say there is a contact tab. Piss off means piss off. Get off my things period, stop sending lurk accounts that have nothing at all to do with what or who I am we aren’t friends. I can well prove all I’ve been having a problem from. I’ve been trying to get rid of their dumb a$$es for years.
They can have a foul jack a$$ that appears to have something to do with them. They can correct me if I’m wrong there is an email tab. They can go to federal prison too with them if they want to be in their corner. I’m not playing. Those main problem parties need to get off my and anyone having to do with me social and anything else period.