Playing Villain- Common Sense Deficiency Disorder
Courtesy- Sociology Lens
Some beings with psychological and everything else problems like being the villain lacking any common sense until they have to answer for it in some form or another. There actually is a term for this. It is called “Common Sense Deficiency Disorder.” Severe lack of common sense can also be a sign of Sociopathy.
They like being the ahole, the troll, they like being as repugnant towards decent people and any civil public as possible, they like being narcopathic, because they have some sort of warped screw loose disorder or plural to be blunt. No one would want to be them upon their facing repercussions for their foul actions. Those who enable them like to be just as evil down for evil parties having no conscience nor loyalty towards anything that isn’t foul, low brow, and abominable because they’re ignorant and usually on some substance that has fried their brain. It is obvious these types are warped in the head and perception wise. Psycho’s as I bluntly refer to that sort of learned behavior tend to be like the joker or harlequin. Psycho’s are going to be psycho gender regardless, birds of a feather flock together. They have mental and emotional problems, and it is obvious to anyone of any soundness. Those types will have their end in life unless they gauge the error of their ways and it’s pathetic the paths types like that take, they usually destroy themselves. Those sorts usually die the way they have existed, in some ditch in some unknown place from an OD or alcoholism, etc, alone, or gunned down by a criminal they crossed something. This occurs frequently in the world. It is pathetic what such beings determine for their existences. Those sorts are warped and mental. That is what scripture speaks on of those who exist by the sword die by the sword. Those types are against the grain to the point of their own reckless demise. They don’t have any sound cognitive prowess. They’re the types that probably played chicken with speeding cars, probably enacted petty crimes like shoplifting, hung off balconies, ran their yaps at officers of law, and enacted freakish manic acts that no one with fundamental discernment would … and probably continue enacting foolish stupidity as grown beings in age but not mentally. Those are the types who don’t have the up to par mental capacity for example “If I step in the path of a high speed moving vehicle it is going to hit me” like a functioning person comprehends. They have no sense or emotional intelligence as the old term goes. They basically enact destructive dumb things without grasping the repercussions of it. It is that self destructive and destructive mentality overall in every way. Those types exhibit clownish behavior basically. These brands of beings are not bright they’re actually very stupid and rebellious to the extent of self detriment without a real cause, they like to tear crap up for self basically and see the world burn for sport, on purpose. Ergo Joker is an example. They don’t dwell in the real world the way the world actually is.
Courtesy- Idea Pod