Or rather as this young Woman claimed was the reincarnation of Pocahontas
As honest as is obviously she has something chemically off somewhere. Aside from she’s clearly not a reincarnation of Pocahontas, as Dr. Phil spoke on, Pocahontas was not violent at all so the violence the Girl exhibits is not a character trait Pocahontas carried. Also, the spiritual claims. We weren’t into the “The Third Eye” that came from the Middle East not Indigenous culture, no indigenous culture. Really we weren’t into “energies” either traditionally, that is new age philosophy not traditional Indigenous philosophy of any tribe. We would and many who are knowledgeable of the culture speak of “Spirits” but not energies particularly in that sense. Obviously just because you look like someone in your lineage especially doesn’t mean you are that person. Of course you’re going to have traits of ancestors somewhere. If we’re going to speak on Indigenous I have traits of Chief Chulio Shoeboots from a picture someone composed during his lifetime for one example that doesn’t mean I am him or his wife Daul or Nanyehi for that matter. I carry attributes naturally so but there’s no way I could be them. Understand you can have a respectful acknowledgment and carry the pride of your ancestors with you but actually being that person no.