Polynesia Factuality Warriorism and Lack of Self Awareness
I was posting about coward p__ies that really play stupid games with their lives by running their yaps on social media or off being cowards behind a keyboard yapping disrespectful for “lols” like a dark triad personality impish child. Let me enlighten them about enacting that for attention or thinks it’s humorous what it invokes. One day they’re going to get ahold of the wrong person. I grew up in Polynesia and danced in a Polynesian hip hop group for 6 months. I bore witness to numerous fools yapping off, got in a scrap or 2 myself, one of which was she was a legitimate gang member of an AAPI gang my instance concluded in my favor, however it never ends well in any meathead’s or willing dumb putas favor. You will be bodied. These wannabe “bad a$$es” with yaps you pull up on a Polynesian running your yap or visit Polynesia having openly posted foul of the people, the culture they will confront you with a sentiment of “Aren’t you the guy or explititive that posted XYZ? I got something for you.” Pop pop in the head you’re ⚰️, shanked or stomped into a coma.
The Internet breeds fools that do not have sense nor were raised to have sense. Bullies eventually will get got because of their loudmouth. There will always be somebody bigger, badder, and more capable of handling you than you. Be it those you came at, law or above any God. At the most minute this is what yappers that would be well served to grow up would be confronted with…this was over a dog they thought somebody was throwing a rock at let alone if you get in their face about the culture.
The pocket reference commenters of the feed were laughing of the significance it was: One, I’m carrying go ahead throw a punch. Two. I dare you to put your hands on me it will be over.
Or another example the viral video I reposted a few years ago of a wannabe gangster that ran his yap on social for attention contributing to a pull up by an armed real gang banger threatening his life. In the real world there are consequences for reckless yaps. Last time I was in Hawaii a moron white meathead that was under the impression he was invincible (he was a fighter in the Marines.) He ran his yap in a night club at a group of Hawaiians. His mistake the idiota was shanked to death after he was curb stomped by 5–6 Hawaiians. A parent looked at me when the investigators arrived and put up the crime scene tape stating “That is why you don’t run your mouth at people.” Perp I’ve been vocal of although I’m not living on the Island permanently I was validly unsettled on the matter of Hawaiian Girls and Women because the perp showed up on the island likely thinking I was there and they do prey on minority Girls/Women. I contacted the PD with it that f’r was off that island fast, New Zealand likewise. They are further cognizant of a Peckerwood of theirs as well.
We have too numerous a fool in the world attributed to social media under the impression they can mouth off or enact recklessly with no repercussions having lacked raising or self awareness. Besides a real bad a$$ non p__y doesn’t hide behind a keyboard enacting posting 💩 to, about, or at anybody for no rationale picking fights. That is a coward and a loser. Real ones do it in real life not on social media. Point being there are real goons or it’s equivalent in the world that will handle yap and disrespect at some point either by throwing hands, a weapon, or lawfully.