Positive Reinforcement
Great example of positive reinforcement and realism shown.
Whatever opinions or experiences have been with the Legendary person known as Gene Simmons he didn’t get to where he has been without good old work ethic. I’ve posted on this episode of ,Dr.Phil, previously about those who want the glory without reputably working for it. That is what is wrong with the majority of those temporarily famous in today’s world. They didn’t really work for anything lack of talent to be honest aside. It came to many of them way too easy, any of the talented legends have even said as much. He was on the money about if you want it bad enough you’ll work for it yourself. As the subject’s Father said “It’s not about the title it’s about the substance.” It seems many have lost that reality it’s easy come easy go. Half of them will even profess to never having worked a job... a legal one at least. That’s why many of them self destruct if or once they get there which honestly as the world has seen is few and far between. On the flip side the gentleman did have a point that the mainstream music scene is a music business that doesn’t exist anymore which is unfortunate. It’s one thing to get to the top it’s a whole different thing to stay on top and honestly next to no one in today’s music scene have what it takes, they’re a fad. They’ll be here then they’ll be gone because they just don’t have that thing nor level of talent for one. Anyone can do what they do honestly plus their work ethic isn’t what the older school had to have to even get in the door. Nicki Minaj did say that upon her announcement of retirement that once people get famous now they don’t want to work and anyone can gauge that in the poor quality that is put on a platform and glorified. As the artist ,The Weekend, announced after he and several Black Man Artists were snubbed for Grammy nominations this year despite being highly successful they would no longer support the Grammys. Legends such as Eminem have dragged the Grammy’s and similar award shows rightfully so because it’s based on nepotism and marketing not artistic merit. This is why the ratings dwindle every year because it’s not authentic nor real for the most part.
All of that aside, what many do not realize in anything like that the arts, fashion, etc those who are in it you have to have money to make money IE acquiring other means of income. No true work ethic no success, limited success, or short term success. You can only cheat your way to any position and even the most popular of fads fade eventually. People and supporters grow up eventually.
“You can be superman but for God sakes even he is Clark Kent he goes to work. It’s never too late to straighten up and be a Man.” Gene Simmons