Predators Are Glib Posers
Upon being harassed per usual
Serial Predator::: In melodramaticism per usual:: “How does one kill children.” followed by the usual barrage of self serving posts for attention being it doesn’t really go anywhere and no one buys into it.
Answer: The same types that sexually exploits and commits gender-based offenses onto young Girls and young Women usually of color then attempts to ruin their lives for years on end all of which is provable and well known to macro law enforcement.
It’s called posing and fake. The FEDS don’t buy it, law doesn’t buy it, and no person with any semblance of cognitive abilities buys it. Those types always been poser fakes and yet remains a decrepit being, the same grandstanding wannabe annoying clout chasing loser they always were. They can cry victim to anyone they want acting all pitiful they’re over, anyone who wishes to join them can too. They can share a cell with Bubba and it will be a terrific day for humans. If they want to spout about “Mentally Ill” they really need to look no further as no one believes they’re a sane anything being only a moron would to be blunt. ::Shrugs:: A predator like that doesn’t need help they need to take accountability for their premeditated actions and cease posing like the fool nobody believes about anything they are. If anyone has anything to say about it there is an email tab use it because the days of harassing me on behalf of and sticking up for an obvious serial sexual predator is over.