Probably Did
This came up in my feed and posted on social media, she probably did it wouldn’t surprise me granted I don’t know any of them inter-personally as it is about the atmosphere that the sector is. That is the norm in that realm. That is how they talk to people and deal with things, people in their world are gunned down all of the time over a pair of sneakers or something stupid.
Courtesy of- Shaderoom
I was relaying on social media you have to be the Woman of “No” they need to be aware of their space those not of their world that we have ours. That is why when anything of that element has come around I grant them with a firm “No” about anything other than philanthropic or professional related because there are too many problems that stem from it & don’t even think about going anywhere near their males their females will really have a problem with those who do then. That is the world they live in and the atmosphere it is. It’s full of rage, daddy issues, mental issues, emotional issues, etc etc. All their multitude of females, Jezebels, or wannabes will come at you or create an issue with you. You can’t deal with them like that, you have to be firm and steadfast of “Hell no don’t come any further.”