Any imp predator of any gender if anyone is keen enough can gather they have a pattern of always creating problems between people, contention, etc everywhere they go, anything they enact, anyone that interacts or engages them or those they seek to cause problems there is always that problem creating dual hero of any gender aspect where they cause problems then want to insert themselves as the hero and voice of reason they’re not actually. If those problems disappeared many issues between people would cease. A being like that get’s people or person in their craw that is their whole intent of causing a problem to smear those people. They get off on chaos and contention because they have nothing going for them in life, that is the only life skill they really have. Aforesaid they harass to the furthermost extent, violate others, playing both parties, running between person to person acerbating problems, spreading defamation and gossip, etc like a middle school bully then want to deem themselves the hero gender regardless. They toxic liaison between people causing problems IE they’ll essentially go to or smoozie up to one party like “They said this about XYZ” adding onto it of course or extracting from it’s context then go to the other person with that pattern. Something like a 12 year school girl gossiping bully gender regardless no one likes for that reason.
Those types are envious, hateful, deviant underneath that obviously fake exterior aka narcopathic. Their whole reason for dwelling is demolishing everyone else so they can be the one seemingly standing like a minuscule imp as everyone else has contention going on the imp that caused it is on some “I’m here and everyone else is beneath me. I’m morally superior look at all of them fighting. I’m the good one.” It’s the Lucifer complex. Basically in short an immature to the level of retardo childish narcopathic imp to put it frankly. If such problems even compared themselves to a troll likeness before or some deviance of some sort that is exactly what they are. Those types have never matured past that deviant crap from grade school they always were most likely despite most often being up there in years in comparison. The entire reasoning for that is deflection from their foulness and causing chaos/problems for attention. Matter of fact of a serial issue I’ve been vocal of to put it the way a logical professional did when I basically have placed out “If you have something to say be an adult use the contact tab instead of the sideways, trash talking, defamation, harassment, lurking, etc and the main issues have yet to. They don’t have anything to say because they really just want attention. That is what it is. Think about how sad and pathetic that is.” To be that piteous for attention. That type of crap is hasslement for acknowledgement nothing more. You can’t have a logically rooted problem towards people you don’t know and especially one that was created by an issue’s own self in the first place. It’s on the problem creator entirely not those they project it on who usually just want to be left alone by the problem or problems.