Problems: There is An Email Tab Use It
I’ve said this innumerable times before but to anyone that has something in their craw, has some resentment about something there is an email tab come out with it because I’m not going to do this animosity undercurrent crap nor answering to it. You have something to say it’s right there you aren’t too good nor above far from it other than that how about keeping your yaps or anything else off me? I’m not that never been never will be. There seems to be a begrudgement slinking dirty pool about something that isn’t plain to me other than having to do with serial perpetration that went on for over a decade. My reality of things has been being harassed, menaced, etc the hell out of not only myself but my people for years. If it’s about the valid advocacy of people like myself then tough get the hell past it you can’t dictate what people do or say in their lives that has 0 to do with you. It is not your business, you’re furthering wasting your existences seething and slinking around with that animosity being estupido to be blunt. I’m not playing into it. Grow up and come correct. The end case closed because I’m not afraid of anyone and no one is sure as hell going to be chasing me off from anything. No one is my dictator nor boss except God almighty I actually serve. You have something to say be an adult and come out with it via email not creep around making and doing snideness/foulness. I don’t play into that nor play it period. Cease coming sideways and come correct instead, grow up.