Voicing Freedom
2 min readAug 14, 2020


This 🙌🏽👏🏽💪🏽✊🏽

Here’s a great idea for all nations STOP killing and discriminating us to death. How hard is that to do? Particularly in the era of Black Lives and Brown Lives mattering this would be a novel idea. How about granting us the same dignity, rights, freedoms, and right to justice when preyed upon in some way as everyone else? How about stop raping and sex trafficking our Girls and Women at 10 times the national average, how about stop murdering us leaving us in ditches decapitated on a regular.. in total impunity might I add. How about stop allowing domestic violence as well as crimes such as textbook stalking until another one of us Indigenous Girls or Women are found dead? How about stop allowing your law enforcement to gun us down left and right at such a high rate we can’t afford? How about stop taking our lands STILL, it isn’t yours never has been, utilizing greed as an excuse to deforest the land of tribes who have had little to no contact with anyone beyond their own people, bringing diseases to the peoples who are not immune? AND how about during crisis such as COVID or natural disasters we aren’t left to die off with no aid? How about not running pipelines through our spaces and homes, how about allowing us our own spaces instead of pushing us out of our homelands, ways, and cultures by ripping the very sanctity of who we are apart or sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong do you think you can handle that? Unless you’re going to partner with us and become an allie to us nothing about us is your business. You don’t see us taking anything away from anyone not historically or otherwise but we sure have had our share of being robbed and discriminated to death literally. How about just leaving us alone? What a new concept that would be!

To leave a quote by Good Will Ambassador ,Nadia Murad, during a United Nations General Assembly,

“We must stand with persecuted minorities. I beg you, put humans first. If beheadings, sexual enslavement, and children raped- if all those acts do not force you to move then when will you do that? This life was not only created for you and your families. We also want life and deserve to live it.”

Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince

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