Post Purim 2021 to all fellow observers I hope had a very happy Purim.
Chag Purim Sameach!
The holiday of Purim stems from the story of Esther and how she was able to spare the Jewish people from impending butcher at the hands of evil Haman always whispering in the ear of King Xerxes against God’s chosen people. As several times recreated for the purpose of publications as well as film one of which was titled, One Night With The King. Purim is the celebration of how the Jewish people were spared through the heroic efforts of Esther (true name Hadassah) whom she herself was also Jewish. Her-storical figure stands among legendary figures as an inspiration of faith and courage in the face of annihilation.
The bravery ,Esther, conveyed aside from breaking the protocol required for royalty but also to be a Woman or rather a young Girl as she was a maiden it is highly likely she was in her teens or early 20’s — Women be it Jew or Gentile were not thought well of still aren’t in some places throughout the modern day region. In fact there is a scripture in which it is basically said “Thank God I am not a Woman or a slave” because of how Women were viewed therefore her defiant act of courage to rescue her people was especially notable… and at such a young age as well. This is why her story of strength and selflessness stands as a testament to Godly heroism and faith.