Quite True
Really, the more you attempt to push a round peg into a square space the more it will not fit and will eventually fluster because it’s not what God has for you. There is always going to be struggles and such for anything worth having but when something is an uphill battle to the point countering that is wearing you out the more God maybe wants you to move into another direction because it’s not for you. If everything is a problem and struggle with little to no benefit that makes up for the hassle of it then it’s probably not what God wants for your life, there is always a flow of what God has for you somewhere. You have to be in the right pre orchestrated by God space. If everything is a let down or struggle then most likely you are not in the right place or around the right people. You have to know you place and where you belong in life, there is such a thing as setting yourself up for failure and going around the same circle over again with nothing to show for it. If everything is contention, problems, and draining it’s not what God means for your life. If anything is costing you more than it’s giving it’s not for you. That’s what is wrong with too many people in this world and where a great deal of problems stem from trying to make something into something it’s not based on any variety of reasons from covet to insecurity in themselves anything. It is the same umbrella as Dr.Phil once said “Follow your dreams to the extent you can afford it.” Necessity is the Mother of invention.
As TD Jakes once said if there is too much slack I don’t want it because it is more headache and everything else than far worth. If it flows to some capacity it’s for you if it doesn’t then cut it loose it’s squandering your life. I told a whole group of beings not to long ago that were basically stringing me along like they do every female they come across I don’t have time to chase after some dangling carrot pipe dreams and jumping through hoops I don’t need to jump through that likely will lead to nothing anyway. I’m not that kind of Woman I can tell when someone or thing as Harlan Ellison used to put it fronting me or stringing along. I don’t play games never have it’s beneath anyone of purpose. Life is not a game. That is how people end up reaping the consequences for their goofiness because they played too many games in life with too many people. Everyone doesn’t seek to be a toy or be a part of some game. Everyone doesn’t want to play.