Rationale for Harassment
One of the rationales if you will why immature types just as anyone of any gender harass anyone aside from a sense of entitlement, they of course aren’t going to be for anyone who doesn’t fawn and fall all over them. Those who aren’t impressed by them or anyone. It’s a challenge and is a seeking attention from those they can’t have and thus the kind I belong to don’t throw ourselves at them. Those who do are so used to getting their way anyone who is the opposite of that is a novelty for them, not to be paid attention to like that. It is wise not to be pulled into any of that if you wish to have any kind of life and or career. I’ve made a point to steer clear of that and those kind. I don’t acknowledge hassle-ment of any kind because it wastes my time and everything else. It’s stringing along and I don’t allow anyone or thing to string me along in any respect. I’ve too much purpose, self respect, and dignity than that.