Since most recently I wrote once again on the subject of Twilight, opinions, and there were some corresponding elements to some realities people can encounter in life. One aspect of the story that resonated was the part when Bella is reborn as who she was always meant to be. I have written on this before that it can be compared to survivorism of violations such as Sex Trafficking, Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence, Harassment, Serial Stalking, etc etc in that respect and what was meant to take one of us out instead just transformed us and thus our trajectory in life into perhaps what we were always designed to be. Something even greater for some, for others a entire different life or even an actual identity in severe cases. It was just an artistic way of telling those type of stories and certainly stories like my own. It resonated quite a lot in the metaphoric sense.
Courtesy of- MovieClips Trailers
“It was a choice of who I should be and who I am. I’ve had to face loss and pain in your world but I never felt stronger, more real, more myself because your world is my world too. It’s where I belong.” Eclipse Bella Excerpt