Reminder: They Had It Coming
As aforesaid many times in a nutshell to give an allegory.
Courtesy of- stardustsix
When you come from as the character of ,Van Helsing, put it historical bloodthirsty butchers it comes with the territory. LoL It’s a simple concept don’t mess with me. I don’t mess with nobody no one has a right to mess with me the end case closed.
Speaking of descendants there have been numerous studies show that much of Europe are descended directly or indirectly from royalty… which adds up to why eurocentricism has been so devastatingly re re towards people of color, it could be where Karen’s and Harold’s come from … there was inbreeding in the royal lines… think about it. I mean look at the majority of them, they are not right in their head obviously and not playing with a full deck or didn’t cook long enough. lol
Courtesy of- The Guardian